Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Still not convinced?

So, are you sitting there...shaking your head...wondering why McCain keeps getting slammed on the news and wh, oh why is he falling behind in the polls after his brilliant Palin pick? Could it be you are the last ignorant, arrogant, jerkweed out there who hasn't figured out yet that the "fundamentals" of our economy is, well, fundamentally weak?

Do you live in such a secluded bubble that you do not know one person that is suffering from the eight year clusterf**k? Seriously? What is holding you back from supporting Obama? Why the hell are you supporting McCain who claims to be able to stand up to those "bigwigs" on Wall Street?

Go the research yourself...and see what companies are McCain's biggest doners and guess who you will find near the top? That's right! Those same "bigwigs!" So we are supposed to believe that he is going to stand up for us? We are supposed to believe that he is the "original" Maverick? Sorry, to me the original Maverick is James Garner.

The funniest thing is, for a man who always believed in a free market economy, suddenly (as in today) he sees nothing wrong with the government bailing out AIG. Wow. And yet when people lose their jobs because of their companies stupidity (think Enron), the government refuses to help.

Unless you are just completely idiotic, I am assuming the only reason you are supporting McCain is because you will make huge money from a McCain administration or you are just flat out racist. Seriously...give me a reason...a real reason that you will not support Obama. I hear some of you say you do not trust him and yet you do not give me a reason. I can give you, and have given you, several reasons I do not trust McCain.

If you think the same old solutions will resolve what is going on in our economy right now, then you deserve to live through another eight years of this mess. I, for one, am tired of the same old Republican b.s.



Joyce I lovve your blogs, looking forward to your future updates.

Joyce said...

And I was beginning to believe the only people that read my blog are either related to me or live with me.

Thanks for taking the time to leave the message. I appreciate it!