Thursday, February 28, 2008

No recession?

The President, obviously unaware of the rising gas, food, and other prices, today declared that we are not heading towards a recession. Just like Daddy; totally oblivious to what is really going on out in the wilderness.

WTF? Didn't you learn the lesson of 1992? It's the economy stupid!

Maybe if you make over $200,000 and don't feel a recession, well it doesn't mean there is not a recession. The middle class is feeling the pinch and that $600.00 that China is sending me, care of GW, is not going to fix things. When we have to borrow money from a second world Communist country, well you know we are in trouble.


Are all Republicans this oblivious?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I see your true colors shining through...

If the Democratic debate showed us anything last night, it is very apparent that Hillary Clinton knows her campaign is on the losing end of things. Since losing momentum to Obama, in the last 3 debates she has shown her true colors...and they are negative. Last night was not the first time audiences have hissed at her negative comments.

There's red for fury. It's obvious she is more than angry about falling behind.

There's green for envy. As a politician, she has to be jealous of Obama's following.

Finally there's tan for waffles. She keeps waffling on NAFTA. She thought it was a wonderful thing; now she doesn't. She says she will tell the Mexicans that she wants to renegotiate NAFTA. Right. I am sure they will be happy to meet with us regarding that issue along with listening to our complaints about fixing their economical mess and border security.

While Obama has been able to express a positive message (Yes we can!), Hillary has shown so much negativity over the past few weeks that it's almost Coultergiest in it's venom.

I keep hoping that the press will quit fueling this negativity but in a sad way, Clinton (or the Clintons) keep pushing it forward. By her overreaction to the "pimping" comment (deplorable but the Bush twins have been treated far worse) and Bill's attack dog stance, it seems as if the Clintons are just begging to be shunned by voters.

What a difference a month makes. Hillary had my vote on Super Tuesday but it was only by an inch. I wanted to vote for a woman (flawed logic that might be) because think about my lifetime there may never be another woman running for president. But Hillary keeps coming out so negative during debates that I just shrink away and think "I voted for that?"

Clinton could take a clue from John Edwards. Although frustrated by the lack of press coverage of his campaign and the primary results, at least he never went personality or in the press (to any substantial degree).

Thursday, February 21, 2008


So the blogasphere is full of everyone commenting on Senator McCain (in his 70's, as old as my mom who can not drive!) and a way younger than him, around my age (40) lobbyist, possibly doing, the "nasty" in exchange for favors for her clients.

My first thought is "Ewww." I don't like to think of old men popping Viagra and having a good time.

My second thought is several months from now, this will be a minor blip on the campaign screen.

I stick by what I've been preaching...lets force the press and the candidates to stick to the issues. There is too much at stake right now. Between the unending war in Iraq and our recession (yes, Virginia, there is a recession), what McCain may or may not have done is not my concern.

But back to my first thought...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Time for a bitter pill...

Normally I am a pretty chipper, jovial person. I try to look on the brighter side of things, even when the chips (or hemoglobin numbers) are down. Basically I am that typical fat Irish person that likes to eat soda bread, drink beer, and laugh my ass off (that's a joke; it's still there, trust me).

Maybe it's the steroids I am on or the boredom of watching horrible network news (will someone please shut up that facist Lou Dobbs!) but frankly I've had enough. I am really pissed and tired of being nice...

Tired of being nice to the doctors office receptionist who had to carry on a personal conversation while there were 3 of us waiting in line, 2 poor old women who are way sicker than me.

Tired of being nice to the old fat guy who kept staring at me because I was walking around dizzy in the doctors office looking for something to read while I wait. Yes, I am dizzy you moron but I am also sick. Have you never seen a sick person before you bozo?

Tired of being nice to people who ask me if my relapse could have been avoided. What kind of a stupid f***ing question is that? So lets get this straight...chances are you probably have no idea what hemolytic anemia is. And that's all well and good. I didn't know what it was until after I was diagnosed with it. If you ask, I will tell. Now, after I've told you, don't ask me why I got sick. How the hell should I know? Don't you think if I could prevent it I would? Wait, let me pull that magic wand out of my ass! It's here somewhere....sheesh!

Tired of being nice to friends who said last time I was sick "if it happens again, let me know! I will be there for you." Actually what should have been said was "well you didn't go in this hospital so it wasn't as serious." Dumb (space included for emphasis) Ass! I didn't go in the hospital because it's much less expensive for me (and for the insurance company to pay for) to get 3 units of blood at in infusion center than it is in the hospital. And I get to sleep at home without being awoken every two hours for blood pressure and blood checks! I am always amazed at how people can take time off to walk in a freaking relay around a track but to help someone you actually know in need, well that's just hitting a little too close to home. Hell knows I am not perfect but trust me, if you ever have a friend that is sick, don't just give them mouth work...just show up and help. When you are sick, it takes a hell of a lot to effort to fix a meal or even to get out of bed. And one person can't do it all. How Ivan has done it for over 10 years, I have no idea. Phone calls to check up on that person and visits mean a lot (so basically what I am saying is the first spastic idiot that says to me that they will miss me when I leave for New York will get a mouthfull).

Funny thing is, on this subject, I am far more resentful about the people Ivan know than the people I know down here. I just don't understand how someone who has been his friend for over 20 years can call him on a Saturday night knowing that for over 10 years on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings he has been in dialysis. He can't answer the phone!!!

Now where was I? Oh yeah...

Tired of being nice to the morons outside of the FoodCity smoking cigs. I don't want to breathe it, ok? I can't. It's bad for you. It's bad for me. Be considerate and do it in the privacy in your own home (if you must be that stupid to commit slow suicide) but please, avoid doing it in a public place!

Tired of being nice to the moron who thinks I "look great" because I lost weight. Granted, I am a fattie. I always will be, but I never believed I looked bad. I always liked my curves (and if you don't screw you). But losing 30 pounds very quickly and without reason AND on steroids is freaking me out to the nth degree. So shut up.

Tired of medical bills, insurance coverage issues, short term disability...blah blah blah. If anything, that whole mess, combined with just a few of my buddies keeping in touch, has taught me two lessons: I am my biggest advocate and how much I can't wait to marry Ivan. No one else can fight for me. That's how life works. However, when you are married, not only do have that someone who is always on your side, you also have help (no cynical emails from unhappily marrieds or bitter divorced people please just be happy for me). If it wasn't for Ivan, and his experience in medical trauma, drama, and nightmares, I would have had a breakdown months ago.

I am tired.

But I am pissed.

And maybe the pissed off part is a good thing. It's a motivator for forcing me to change. I don't want to be a bitter, twisted, uglier version of me. I will get over the slights and recover financially, one way or another, from this medical mess. But I also know I need to be where people care; where I have family. My brother and best friend have been wonderful. Bucky drives me like I am Miss Daisy and Amy listens oh so patiently to my woes and steroid induced rants. But I need to be El Norte...Nueva York...with the man I love and build a future with him. I've let this damn thing get in the way but not anymore.

And there's another thing I am tired of (but I've never been nice about)...the networks coverage on the war in Iraq. First, they pandered to the administration (didn't we all?). Then they tried to go the opposite route when criticism of their coverage their own press! But now, as war still rages on hopelessly, and as our bravest and best sacrifice their futures in the same our bravest and best did in Vietnam, the mainstream media focuses almost every night on Obama versus Hillary and the he said/she said/Bill said/Mrs. Obama said.

I would love to see our mainstream media actually focus on the issues (Iraq, the economy, healthcare). You see, this time it's not just about the candidates avoiding the issues; the press is doing a darn good job of it as well.

So, be a little like me...don't be so nice to the mainstream media. Read and join the blogasphere. Take time to find out other opinions. It's the only way you will learn and can make an informed opinion.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Clemens on the Hill; War still continues

What a joke.

According to Congressman Henry Waxman, the steroid hearings on Capital Hill were held today because Roger Clemens asked for them.

Good. I hope Clemens is footing the taxpayers bill. And I hope the multi millionare has the time to explain why he thinks it's more important for Congress to focus on his possible perjury than our endless war in Iraq or our faltering economy.

I am always amazed at the audacity of rich people. They feel as if money buys them anything, including a bigger voice...anywhere. And granted, as the path of history tells us, it does. But in a Democracy, we should all be equal. And the needs of everyone else should be equal. However, it doesn't always work out that way in an election year when Waxman, Davis, et al get free airtime.

The hearings left me down hearted today. In a day or so, pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training. Spring Training has always been a sign of promise for me; warmer weather ahead! Instead, it's going to be every baseball player having to answer the same questions: "Did you watch Clemens and do you take steroids."

Oh where have you gone Joltin Joe Dimaggio?

Monday, February 11, 2008

And now the other side of the coin

I am always one to share and here's the opposite view on McCain, not from a friend but from Arianna Huffington. I'm a big fan of the website because of all the different viewpoints. No "maverick" as I always believed him to be. I admit, the Rove thing scares me...

Arianna Huffington: End of a Romance: Why the Media and Independent Voters Need to Break Up with John McCain - Politics on Th...

And it's only February folks! Between Hillary shaking up her campaign, Obama being the media darling, and McCain's attacks from the right, this year shakes up to be more exciting than 1992. All we now is a Libertarian or Independent to shake this margarita mix up even more!

A voice in the wilderness for McCain...

No, not me but my dear friend Badrose. I just had to link her blog to my page because to me, it shows the best of Badrose more ways than one.


Saturday, February 9, 2008


This is not a review (although you might see a few on this page every now and then)...

This is just a suggestion...

If you are a music fan I highly recommend the movie "Once." The music is sweet and heart touching. There are a few moments of "yeah right" but for the most part, it's a story that most of us with dreams of the artistic kind can understand.

Of course, I realize that the buzz about this movie has been out for awhile but hey, at least I am catching up! :-)

Warning...watching it may make you crave beer or a trip to Ireland.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Vick's Dogs In Safe Haven

Recently I've been watching the show "Dogtown "on the National Geographic Channel. So I was thrilled to find out that the dogs that were abused by former Virginia Tech (my alma mater) and Atlanta Falcon starting quarterback Michael Vick were rescued by the no kill shelter. Here is a link to the story on CNN. And please, whenever possible, adopt a dog (or financially support) your local no kill shelter. Dogs made the choice to be our best friends. Please help the human race live up to that humbling responsibility.

Vick's fighting dogs get second chance at life -

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Go Vote!

Today is Super Tuesday.

For some reason, I want to yell like Big Gay Al (Southpark folks) and say "It's Thuper Tuethday!"

But I am too tired...I've been hit with another round of hemolytic anemia crap. I told my boyfriend that I am writing a new book "Love in the time of hemolytic anemia and dialysis: a story of the healthcare crisis in America."

He suggests the title might be too long.

I have taken three units of blood, am on steroids, and thus have moments of insanity so I suggest he should shut his mouth.

He just laughs at me. That's a good thing. We all need someone that helps us laugh. It's almost a salve for the pain.

But back to the election thing...

If you live in a Super Tuesday state, go vote. I feel like absolute crap and can not even drive. Fortunately I have a big brother willing to play the role of Morgan Freeman and drive me around.

"You want your USA Today while we are out Miss Daisy?"
"No that's ok. I need to watch Super Tuesday coverage."

I am such a nerd.

Anyway, we went out to the polling station. It's at the high school down the road.

I got my pin number and voted.

And I voted for...

It certainly was not a Republican.

Healthcare was/is an overriding issue for me. I have insurance and yet being out for a month may almost bankrupt me. I will only get 60% of my pay and my insurance will cover a hundred percent of the first thousand but after that, I pay 20%. Imagine paying 20% from 60% of your salary...and you still have rent, car payment, credit card...ugh.

And some of you have the nerve to wonder what's wrong with the economy?

New Orleans and the Delta region are still suffering from Katrina.
Up to a third of high school graduates are leaving high school without any type of competency (trust me, after interviewing and supervising people, I have learned that most can barely spell).
Our industry sector is almost gone thanks to that big sucking sound called NAFTA.
How can any of this be justified?

The only candidate that actually addressed all the above issues was John Edwards but the press refused to cover him because they focused on Obama versus Hillary. They would rather give in to our low brow reality tv universe then actually focus on the issues.

"White woman versus black man! More coverage at 11:00!"

And maybe that's what we deserve? I mean, they are covering what people demand, right?

Why are we not demanding better?

So my choice is out but I still voted. I voted for Hillary. Not because I agree with her a hundred percent. I think Obama is an exciting candidate but I am not quite sure what his stand is on Healthcare and for me, that is the number one issue. However, she still makes me nervous. I can't quite figure her out when it comes to Iraq but lets face it, can anyone develop a plan that eliminates a cancerous situation?

Get out there and vote people!

Except if you are planning to vote for Mitt Romney. That man scares the crap out of me. Does he even know what he stands for? Which one is running? Mass Mitt or Focus on the Family Mitt?

I wonder though if we will know tonight who has the electoral votes. Certainly the press is enthused by the Obama campaign. And Rush Limbaugh for some reason hates John McCain. Why? I admit the man is slightly loopy but hey, wouldn't you be if you served time in Hanoi Hilton? At least McCain fought for his country Rush, unlike you! Ugh.

Ok, I am getting dizzy and sick from thinking about Rush.

So tonight I will curl up on my sofa, with my fleece blanket and puppy dawg pj's, and float between MSNBC and CNN. I might shuffle over to the computer and surf the net and see some poll results. Like many others, I will enjoy watching history being made tonight even if it's not the candidate I really want.