Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Go Vote!

Today is Super Tuesday.

For some reason, I want to yell like Big Gay Al (Southpark folks) and say "It's Thuper Tuethday!"

But I am too tired...I've been hit with another round of hemolytic anemia crap. I told my boyfriend that I am writing a new book "Love in the time of hemolytic anemia and dialysis: a story of the healthcare crisis in America."

He suggests the title might be too long.

I have taken three units of blood, am on steroids, and thus have moments of insanity so I suggest he should shut his mouth.

He just laughs at me. That's a good thing. We all need someone that helps us laugh. It's almost a salve for the pain.

But back to the election thing...

If you live in a Super Tuesday state, go vote. I feel like absolute crap and can not even drive. Fortunately I have a big brother willing to play the role of Morgan Freeman and drive me around.

"You want your USA Today while we are out Miss Daisy?"
"No that's ok. I need to watch Super Tuesday coverage."

I am such a nerd.

Anyway, we went out to the polling station. It's at the high school down the road.

I got my pin number and voted.

And I voted for...

It certainly was not a Republican.

Healthcare was/is an overriding issue for me. I have insurance and yet being out for a month may almost bankrupt me. I will only get 60% of my pay and my insurance will cover a hundred percent of the first thousand but after that, I pay 20%. Imagine paying 20% from 60% of your salary...and you still have rent, car payment, credit card...ugh.

And some of you have the nerve to wonder what's wrong with the economy?

New Orleans and the Delta region are still suffering from Katrina.
Up to a third of high school graduates are leaving high school without any type of competency (trust me, after interviewing and supervising people, I have learned that most can barely spell).
Our industry sector is almost gone thanks to that big sucking sound called NAFTA.
How can any of this be justified?

The only candidate that actually addressed all the above issues was John Edwards but the press refused to cover him because they focused on Obama versus Hillary. They would rather give in to our low brow reality tv universe then actually focus on the issues.

"White woman versus black man! More coverage at 11:00!"

And maybe that's what we deserve? I mean, they are covering what people demand, right?

Why are we not demanding better?

So my choice is out but I still voted. I voted for Hillary. Not because I agree with her a hundred percent. I think Obama is an exciting candidate but I am not quite sure what his stand is on Healthcare and for me, that is the number one issue. However, she still makes me nervous. I can't quite figure her out when it comes to Iraq but lets face it, can anyone develop a plan that eliminates a cancerous situation?

Get out there and vote people!

Except if you are planning to vote for Mitt Romney. That man scares the crap out of me. Does he even know what he stands for? Which one is running? Mass Mitt or Focus on the Family Mitt?

I wonder though if we will know tonight who has the electoral votes. Certainly the press is enthused by the Obama campaign. And Rush Limbaugh for some reason hates John McCain. Why? I admit the man is slightly loopy but hey, wouldn't you be if you served time in Hanoi Hilton? At least McCain fought for his country Rush, unlike you! Ugh.

Ok, I am getting dizzy and sick from thinking about Rush.

So tonight I will curl up on my sofa, with my fleece blanket and puppy dawg pj's, and float between MSNBC and CNN. I might shuffle over to the computer and surf the net and see some poll results. Like many others, I will enjoy watching history being made tonight even if it's not the candidate I really want.

1 comment:

IVAN said...

The media's obsession with OBAMA-vs-HILLARY can be compared that that stupid schoolyard chant...
"A fight!
A fight!
A nigger and a white"
Issues...who needs issues?(sarcasm)

Mitt Romney talks about returning to a yesteryear America that never EXISTED except in Norman Rockwell paintings!