Monday, September 29, 2008

We're mad as hell...

The Bailout Bill failed to pass Congress today 228-205 and the stock market dropped 777 points.

And speaking of being in the basement baby...while they have been in the sky for several years... it is cracking me up how analysts, those Wall Street geniuses, newscasters, and people with money are shocked! Just damn shocked how Main Street believes this is a shit burger with a side of crap!

Why should we...we who have suffered for the past several years carry your rich butts? Many people down here in the basement have had to sell their jewlery, valuables, rob Peter to pay Paul and Mary, while those so called "experts" up in the sky have done mighty fine on our backs.

Enough is enough. CEO's, do what we have been doing to make ends meet and sell your valuables to help your company stay afloat. you need to maintain that yacht or one of your seven homes? Sell it! So many Americans have had to downsize and sell their homes for smaller condos or apartments, well, why can't you?

Why do these companies expect us, the American taxpayers to fix their problems in a so called free market economy? Why should we? Oh that's right? If we don't people could lose their jobs or the homes, right McBush? Well guess what McBush...this has been going on for the past few years and you have just noticed it're in the sky...

Well, we're in the basement baby, come on by...

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