Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dark Knight...

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

I have no idea if the creators behind the latest movie “Batman – The Dark Knight” even looked at the above quote before making the movie however, the quote seems to fit the character of Batman and the circumstances we currently face.

A friend of mine called me after we went to the midnight showing and asked “What did you think?” I couldn’t find the words but he spat out “I think it replaces the Godfather as my favorite movie.” And believe it or not, for me, it might replace the Lord of the Rings series as, in my little world, the best movie.

Purposefully, I waited a few days to write my review. I didn’t want the afterglow of such a wonderful movie going experience to taint what should be written. However, the further I get away from Thursday night, the more I love the movie.

On line and in print, you will read glowing reviews of Christian Bale and Heath Ledger’s performances. Indeed, it is sad that Ledger will never hear the praise of his performance. I am sure that on set, he knew he was redefining the character of the Joker. Recall that the Joker we saw as children was a silly clown (Cesar Romero in the television series) or an annoying aged villain (Jack Nicholson).

But Ledgers Joker is different. He’s insanity and anarchy. He’s sublime and intelligent. He’s scary but so damn interesting. He forces leaders, heroes, and real people to make the difficult choices they avoid making on a daily basis. He is what we want to avoid being but yet we can not help but wonder what it would be like to be so reckless.

Batman quickly realizes that he is dealing with a different kind of evil…an insane evil that understands no boundaries nor cares for boundaries; everyone is fair game. Slowly you see Batman staring at the abyss; he understands to defeat the Joker he must visit a place in his soul he tries desperately to avoid.

The more you dwell upon the decisions Batman makes, you quickly see the decisions we, as a people, have been avoiding. Should we allow our country to wire tap our cell phone conversations? Should we use evil to defeat evil? It seems our government has made those decisions. How sad is it that our country has defended the use of water boarding against terrorist suspects? We are becoming what we have stated so loudly that we want to defeat! This is America! We should be held to a higher standard. We are the shining light that the rest of the world looks to in the darkest of times and yet, here we are, staring at the abyss…becoming the monster that is trying so hard to destroy us.

I know, the last paragraph sounds preachy in a movie review however it is not that hard to see the similarities after you walk out of the movie. I have no clue if the creators of this latest movie had those intentions (I have avoided all the other reviews and hype) however, you really have to be a total dunce to not get the significance of Gary Oldman’s Commissioner Gordon’s comment about the hero we deserve.

We got ourselves into this mess; only we can get out of it. But do we need to walk down the dark paths of hell to show how better we are than the bad guys?


Anonymous said...

Very well said Joyce! I couldn't agree more. I'm going to have to go through your blog and read everything as I didn't realize you were posting. Tell a girl these things!

Joyce said...

Girl! I put the link on my MySpace blog months ago silly! :-)
Thanks for the comment!