Thursday, February 21, 2008


So the blogasphere is full of everyone commenting on Senator McCain (in his 70's, as old as my mom who can not drive!) and a way younger than him, around my age (40) lobbyist, possibly doing, the "nasty" in exchange for favors for her clients.

My first thought is "Ewww." I don't like to think of old men popping Viagra and having a good time.

My second thought is several months from now, this will be a minor blip on the campaign screen.

I stick by what I've been preaching...lets force the press and the candidates to stick to the issues. There is too much at stake right now. Between the unending war in Iraq and our recession (yes, Virginia, there is a recession), what McCain may or may not have done is not my concern.

But back to my first thought...



badrose said...

"let's force the Press" - uh huh. That's like "let's force my dog to stop rolling in goose poop."

Ain't gonna happen, darlin'

Joyce said...

Nope, it's not. But you know me, ever the optimist...always pushing forward...hoping others will rally and help carry the flag.


As a favorite song lyric of mine goes, "now I lay me down in dreamland; I know perfect is not for real..."

Where's that ice cream? :-)

badrose said...

"Where's that ice cream?"
- I was only being NICE! ;)