Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I see your true colors shining through...

If the Democratic debate showed us anything last night, it is very apparent that Hillary Clinton knows her campaign is on the losing end of things. Since losing momentum to Obama, in the last 3 debates she has shown her true colors...and they are negative. Last night was not the first time audiences have hissed at her negative comments.

There's red for fury. It's obvious she is more than angry about falling behind.

There's green for envy. As a politician, she has to be jealous of Obama's following.

Finally there's tan for waffles. She keeps waffling on NAFTA. She thought it was a wonderful thing; now she doesn't. She says she will tell the Mexicans that she wants to renegotiate NAFTA. Right. I am sure they will be happy to meet with us regarding that issue along with listening to our complaints about fixing their economical mess and border security.

While Obama has been able to express a positive message (Yes we can!), Hillary has shown so much negativity over the past few weeks that it's almost Coultergiest in it's venom.

I keep hoping that the press will quit fueling this negativity but in a sad way, Clinton (or the Clintons) keep pushing it forward. By her overreaction to the "pimping" comment (deplorable but the Bush twins have been treated far worse) and Bill's attack dog stance, it seems as if the Clintons are just begging to be shunned by voters.

What a difference a month makes. Hillary had my vote on Super Tuesday but it was only by an inch. I wanted to vote for a woman (flawed logic that might be) because think about my lifetime there may never be another woman running for president. But Hillary keeps coming out so negative during debates that I just shrink away and think "I voted for that?"

Clinton could take a clue from John Edwards. Although frustrated by the lack of press coverage of his campaign and the primary results, at least he never went personality or in the press (to any substantial degree).

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